By Rodger McDaniel
Before November 8, I was a white, heterosexual, able-bodied male,
Christian citizen of the United States of America.
Under a Donald Trump presidency, I feel it’s time to come
out of the closet. I am a black, Hispanic, Asian, gay or transgender, disabled,
Muslim and Jewish undocumented human.
Many don’t recognize the privilege they enjoy because of the
way they were born. Nothing earned. Birth is like the lottery. In a culture of
discrimination, some win, others don’t. It’s always been comfortable in Wyoming
for those who are white, heterosexual, able-bodied male, Christian citizens of
the United States of America. If you remove any one of those descriptors, it
gets harder. Change any one of those descriptors and “the Equality State”
betrays itself.

It’s not coincidental that in the weeks following Trump’s
election, hate crimes surged. According to the FBI, attacks on Muslims
skyrocketed by two-thirds to the highest number since the days following 9/11.
Attacks against transgender people have increased. The FBI says the numbers may
actually be conservative because states like Wyoming don’t do a good job of
tracking them and many of these crimes go unreported in states with no
hate-crimes laws.
News outlets report a greater spike in hate crimes since the
election including threats as well as assaults on people made even more
vulnerable by the political rhetoric and behaviors of the man who will be
President. There is little to be gained here by repeating some of the crude
things Trump did and said during his campaign. But his transition from
candidate to president demonstrates he meant every word.
As president-elect, he chose an anti-Semitic white
nationalist as a top adviser. He appointed an attorney general whose nomination
to be a federal court judge was rejected by the U.S. Senate for his racist
past. Cheering his election and these appointments were people like David Duke,
a former grand wizard of the KKK. His views about women and people with
disabilities scarred the campaign. Some of those closest to the new president
say they will implement a Third Reich kind of database to track Muslims.
Regardless of whether you voted for Trump or not, whether
you are a Democrat or a Republican, you must seek to understand why minority
communities of all sorts are fearful. But I realize that empathy is,
unfortunately, in short supply these days.
Wyoming is a small, non-diverse state. Ninety percent of us
are white. An even higher number are Christians. The Pew Hispanic Center
believes there are fewer than 10,000 undocumented humans in the Cowboy State.
Given the reputation Wyoming earned and never lost after the execution of
Mathew Shepard, there are likely fewer gays, lesbians, bisexual or transgender
people here than in many states.
That doesn’t make it any easier to watch the Trump
administration take action which denies their worth to the community. In a
small state, it should make it more difficult to ignore those actions. These
are our friends, neighbors, and fellow workers.
We are them because we are all God’s children. When the
government becomes big enough to threaten the rights of women, the disabled, immigrants
or gays, lesbians, bisexuals, or transgender people or Muslims, they are coming
after each of us.
For the next four years, those who follow Jesus, whether
Christians or not, are indeed black, Hispanic, Asian, disabled, members of the
LGBTQ community, Muslims, Jews and undocumented human beings.
Rodger McDaniel lives in Laramie and is the pastor at Highlands Presbyterian Church in Cheyenne. Email:
Rodger McDaniel lives in Laramie and is the pastor at Highlands Presbyterian Church in Cheyenne. Email:
For once I am grateful that most of my neighbors appear ignorant, or at least unimpressed, with what's happening outside of our borders. Few seem to know about the increased harassment of my brother and sister Muslims just a few miles south in Utah. I was born and raised in Powell and remember all too well the bigotry towards anyone questioning reining politicians or predominant religions. As a student, I left the state as soon as I could and only returned to assist family. Too sad.