Monday, January 16, 2017

New faces, old problems at the Legislature

By Rodger McDaniel
It couldn’t have come at a worse time. Well, who knows? Putting new eyes on old problems might prove helpful.

As Wyoming faces daunting education-funding deficits and other fiscal crises attributable to declining oil, gas and coal revenues, nearly three in 10 members of the Legislature are new to the process.

The House lost former Speaker Kermit Brown. Majority Floor Leader Rosie Berger served 14 years before her defeat. She’d have become the first female speaker since 1969. Mary Throne and her decade of service, including time as minority leader, is gone, as is Elaine Harvey and her 14 years of accomplishments.

Years of experience were exchanged for newly elected members with much to learn. Gov. Matt Mead is right. Their learning curve is steep. Will they take the time to learn and legislate with vision, rather than ideology? Will they follow their instincts or fall in line with their caucus? As legislators begin their work Tuesday, here are five inquiries that will answer those questions:

1. Will legislators ignore the people and move ahead with legislation transferring federal lands to the state?

2. Will Republicans finally deliver a health-care plan?

3. Will legislators exercise independence from the far-right’s national agenda?

4. Do any Republicans have realistic ideas about the future of coal?

5. Will the Legislature continue shielding the “rainy-day” account from the current thunderstorm?

How new legislators deal with legislation urging the U.S. government to transfer ownership of federal lands to the state will be most revealing. This baby seems to have no known parents outside of a few incumbent legislators. Mead admits the idea is financially and legally impractical. Polls are clear: The public thinks the idea stinks. During a recent legislative hearing, nobody spoke in favor. Still, the proposal has legs. Key legislators are listening to someone other than constituents. There’s some smoke-blowing in a backroom somewhere. Will the freshmen listen to the voters back home or take their marching orders from legislative leadership? That will tell us a lot about these folks.

Next, with uncertainty about Obamacare, it’s urgent that the Legislature enact a Wyoming-specific health-care plan. The incumbents failed. The best they could do was to oppose expansion of Medicaid. Among new members, is there anyone creative and thoughtful enough to save community hospitals from financial failure and insure the 20,000 working people who fall through the cracks?

Third is a question of independence. Outside organizations exercise oversized influence in the Legislature. Ideologues like the thankfully defunct WyWatch and the Wyoming Liberty Group, with connections to national groups like ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) and the Koch Brothers, infected our Legislature with a far right, Wyoming-irrelevant agenda.

Next is the question of the future of coal. The campaign disclosed no fresh faces who’ll do anything but repeat the mantra about ending the partisan-nominated “War on Coal” and resurrecting the industry. Time will tell whether someone will provide leadership and create a reality-based vision for Wyoming’s economy.

Finally, there’s the so-called “rainy-day” account. Legislators never developed a consensus for what “rainy day” means. Perhaps there’s no one better to demand a definition than people who weren’t in the Legislature as longtime members thoughtlessly spirited away tens of millions of dollars for whatever they determined was a “rainy day.”

Old problems benefit from new eyes, but only when new legislators use their own eyes, rather than those of lawmakers who’ve proved themselves unable to solve those “old problems.”

Retirements and defeats rendered seven of 30 members new to the Senate. The House lost 18 of 60 members. But these numbers don’t tell the whole story. Among those whose seats are filled by freshmen are longtime leaders. Gone are knowledgeable legislators like Gerald Geis, Phil Nicholas and Tony Ross. Each served as Senate president, accumulating 75 years of combined legislative experience.

Rodger McDaniel lives in Laramie and is the pastor at Highlands Presbyterian Church in Cheyenne. Email:

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